2021 CRC Annual Meeting Student Posters
Student Presentations:
- Xuanyu Chen (Ginis, University of Rhode Island)
- Nelson Cordero (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) – “Assessment of hurricane vortex and boundary layer models for the development of wind and pressure profiles and fields”: Abstract | Poster
- Deborah Crowley (Ginis, University of Rhode Island) – “Numerical Modeling to Assess the Changing Coastal Risks from Nor’easters with Sea Level Rise in New England”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
DHS Model Validation (PPT) – Slides showing validation of the model application for tides and storm.
Jan2018_CapeCod_SLR_and_noSLR_ExtendedView.mp4 – Side by side animation of inundation with and without sea level rise along with time series of water level for the entire poster focus area.
Jan2018_CapeCod_SLR_and_noSLR_Zoom1.mp4 – Side by side animation of inundation with and without sea level rise along with time series of water level for zoomed in on Provincetown Harbor.
Jan2018_CapeCod_SLR_and_noSLR_Zoom2.mp4 – Side by side animation of inundation with and without sea level rise along with time series of water level for zoomed in on Provincetown Harbor local to East Harbor (inland water body).
- Yesenia Franqui Bernard (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) – “Critical Infrastructure and the Resilient-Sustainable Reconstruction of Puerto Rico After Hurricane María”: Abstract | Poster
- Samata Gyawali, Olivia Vilá, Samiksha Bhattarai, Brian Vaughn, Claire Henkel (Smith, North Carolina State University) – “Capacity to implement FEMA-HMA grants: A survey of State Hazards Mitigation Officers”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Mansur Ali Jisan (Ginis, University of Rhode Island) – “Application of a Hurricane Boundary Layer Model for Improved Surface Wind Forecast”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Katherine Jones (Twilley, Louisiana State University) – “Assessment of an Approach to Integrate ADCIRC Data via CERA into the Hazus-MH Coastal Flood Model”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Ellis Kalaidjian (Becker, University of Rhode Island) – “Institutionalizing Resilience: Insights from Assessment Initiatives at 10 U.S. Seaports”: Poster | Recording
- Kyle McElroy, Samuel Adams, Noah Hallisey (Ginis, University of Rhode Island) – “Rhode Island Coastal Hazard, Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction system (RICHAMP)”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Alexander Molano (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) – “Corridor Resilience in Multi-Hazard Settings: The Case of PR-2 in Western Puerto Rico”: Poster | Recording
- Kaldrian Moore Jr., Desiree Mills, Romans Grant, Zachary Dixon (Laiju, Tougaloo College) – “Construction and Testing of an Electronic Avian Deterrent Device (E.A.D.D.) for Catfish Farms Impacted by Flooding”: Abstract | Poster
- Omar Nofal, Jaimlyn Sypniewski and Trung Do (Cox, Oregon State University and van de Lindt, Colorado State University) – “Integration and Validation of Residential Wave/Surge Fragilities for HAZUS-MH and Hindcast Study for Damage and Loss Uncertainty”: Poster | Recording
- Angelos Papandreou (Ginis, University of Rhode Island) – “Hurricane Florence numerical simulations of waves and storm surge using different wind forcing products”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Ivelisse Ramos (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
- John Ratcliff (Luettich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) – “Analysis of Wind & Storm Surge from Hurricane Florence Using ADCIRC”: Poster | Recording
- Juan Rodríguez (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) – “Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings and the Effect of the Directionality of Seismic Accelerations: An Innovative Structural Analysis Program”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- Brandon Soldevila, Daleen Torres, Gerardo Trossi, Ian Feliciano, Marilyn Torres, Juan Rodríguez (Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) – “Assessing Flood Risk and Mitigation Strategies for a Coastal Community near the Guanajibo River: A Case Study”: Abstract | Poster | Recording
- MSI Summer Research Teams
- Verónica Díaz Pacheco and Frederick Gonzalez-Roman (Cabrera-Ríos, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez with Jackson State University): “Individual Emergency Response and Recovery: a learning experience from Puerto Rico’s encounter with Hurricane Maria”: Poster | Recording
- Tiana Johnson and Jackson Wiles (Liu, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University with UNC-CH): “Atmospheric Modeling of Hurricane Florence”: Poster | Recording
- Raymond Kimble and Grace Vincent (Bhattacharya, Fayetteville State University with UNC-CH): “Hybrid Methods in Artificial Intelligence for Storm Surge Prediction”: Poster | Recording