Dr. Jae Park
Dr. Jae G. Park, CFM, has more than 23 years of experience and expertise in the areas of natural hazard analysis, resilience and hazard mitigation planning, policy analysis, and sustainable disaster recovery. He has helped many local, state, and federal governments rebuild resilient communities after major disasters such as Hurricanes Fran, Floyd, Isabel, Katrina, and Sandy. Currently Dr. Park is Associate Vice President, Risk Management & Resilience for AECOM.
After Hurricane Katrina, he supervised a team of policy analysts for the Mississippi Governor’s Office of Recovery and Renewal that was coordinating recovery efforts and served as a policy advisor to the governor and his cabinet members. Dr. Park also does international work and has been advising the Korean Ministry of Public Safety and Security, the National Emergency Management Agency, and the National Security Council on developing national frameworks and strategic plans on disaster management. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Urban and Regional Science from Texas A&M University and worked as a Research Associate at the Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center.