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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Project Name:

An Extension of the Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ (PIRS): Coupling PIRS™ with Plan Quality Evaluation Tools

Other Research Participants/Partners:

Jaimie Masterson, Texas A&M University

Project Description:

The Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ (PIRS) assists local practitioners to assess the degree to which networks of local plans target geographic areas most prone to hazards and evaluate the coordination of local plans. We partner with 1-2 low-capacity communities with higher proportions of low-income people of color to explore the intersection between two types of tools: 1) well-established plan quality evaluation protocols to guide and enhance individual plans and 2) PIRS to guide the coordination of individual plans. 

In addition, the PI is in regular contact with Dr. Cassandra Davis for recommendations on other ways to categorize the types of communities that this project is seeking to work with.

Project Abstract

PIRS™ Fact Sheet

Research Interests:

Land use and environmental planning, community disaster resiliency, hazard mitigation

Department page

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