Hurricane Season 2019
2020 season | 2018 season | 2017 season | 2016 season
Tropical Storm Sebastien:
Rick Luettich, UNC-Chapel Hill:
- Coastal storm affects eastern North Carolina by WITN (11.15.19)
Hurricane Dorian:
Rick Luettich, UNC-Chapel Hill:
- Where Hurricane Dorian’s storm surge could be worst by Gretchen Frazee // PBS NewsHour (9.5.19)
- Powerful surge in store for sounds, rivers by Kirk Ross // Coastal Review Online (9.5.19)
- Dorian spurs floods, tornadoes in Carolinas as hurricane continues its disastrous trek northward by Reis Thebault // The Fayetteville Observer (9.5.19)
- Storm surge predictions accurate to within a foot. Is your neighborhood at risk? by Zachary Eanes // The News & Observer (9.5.19)
- Dorian’s biggest threat is storm surge. Here’s what you need to know by Jessica Vomiero // Global News (9.5.19)
- Dorian could hit NC with major storm surge by Jason DeBruyn // WUNC (9.4.19)
- Researchers at UNC Marine Sciences predict storm surge impacts on WITN (9.4.19)
- Rick Luettich discusses storm surge on Capital News Tonight // Spectrum News North Carolina (9.4.19)
- Hurricane Dorian resumes approach by Mike Shutak // Carteret County News-Times (9.3.19)
- Hurricane with high tides adds to risk in Florida by Tony Rice // WRAL (8.30.19)
Isaac Ginis, University of Rhode Island:
- Future hurricane could loop around twice and make landfall twice in the U.S., causing catastrophic flooding and storm surges by Aristos Georgiou // Newsweek (9.20.19)
- URI expert says RI should be ready for bigger storms by Joseph B. Nadeau // Pawtucket Times (9.3.19)
- Local hurricane researcher says water temp. might strengthen Dorian by WPRI (8.29.19)
- Dorian could hit Florida as Category 3 hurricane – what’s next for RI? by GoLocalProv News Team and Kate Nagle // GoLocalProv (8.28.19)
Barry Keim, Louisiana State University:
- Hurricane season is here, but are out of state students prepared for it? by Jori Banks // Tiger TV (9.5.19)
As Hurricane Dorian bears down, Louisiana wary amid ‘height of the hurricane season’ by Mark Schleifstein //The Times-Picayune (8.29.19)
Hurricane Barry:
ADCIRC Prediction System:
- Governor addresses expected storm impacts for Louisiana by WDSU (7.11.19)
Scott Hagen, Louisiana State University:
- Barry tests New Orleans levees as Mississippi River sees dangerous new normal by Joe McCarthy // The Weather Channel (7.12.19)
- New Orleans flooding: Will Mississippi River flood New Orleans when Hurricane Barry hits? by Frederica Miller // The Daily Express (7.12.19)
Barry Keim, Louisiana State University:
- Why did rainfall totals not live up to projections? by Brandon Comeaux //KPEL (7.15.19)
- Barry tests New Orleans levees as Mississippi River sees dangerous new normal by Joe McCarthy // The Weather Channel (7.12.19)
- Tropical Storm Barry forms over Gulf; here’s what impact is expected in Baton Rouge area by David J. Mitchell and Terry L. Jones //The Advocate (7.11.19)
- Louisiana’s post-Katrina flood defenses put to test as Barry approaches by Emma Newburger // CNBC (7.12.19)
Robert Twilley, Louisiana State University:
- Corps: Opening Morganza ahead of storm would have been ‘poor decision,’ put other areas at risk by Mark Schleifstein // The Times-Picayune (7.12.19)