In the News – 2017
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- Planning prof presents hazard mitigation strategies in D.C. by archone (Texas A&M University College of Architecture) (12.11.17)
- CRC helps six communities with Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts by UNC Office of Research Communications (12.7.17)
- Connecting University research to policy by the UNC Institute for the Environment (12.1.17)
- Hurricanes’ impact on health by Morag McLachlan // UNC Institute for Global Health & Infectious Disease (11.30.17)
- UNC center helps historic town rebuild after hurricane by Jay Siebold // Carolina Connection (10.28.17)
- Rick Luettich and the science of storm surge by Brad Rich // Coastal Review Online (10.25.17)
- Saving Princeville by The University of North Carolina (10.19.17)
- One year on, Hurricane Matthew is still drowning communities with dilemmas by Tyler Newman // The Seahawk (10.18.17)
- Residents look at possibilities for Seven Springs by Steve Herring // The News-Argus (10.15.17)
- Recovery in North Carolina one year later by Jim Schwab // (10.14.17)
- Princeville works to save homes and history one year after Hurricane Matthew by Leoneda Inge // WUNC (10.6.17)
- Eastern N.C. continues to recover from Hurricane Matthew one year later by Charlie Shelton and Frank Stasio // WUNC (10.4.17)
- Carolina responds to Hurricane Matthew by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (10.5.17)
- Some N.C. towns struggle to survive a year after Matthew by Jay Price // WUNC (10.4.17)
- Princeville Community Design Workshop (video) by the N.C. Rural Center (10.3.17)
- After two floods, historic African-American town could move to higher ground by Colin Campbell // The News & Observer (9.29.17)
- Landscape architecture professor talks hurricane relief, rebuilding Princeville by Timothy Willard // Technician (9.28.17)
- Hurricane Maria continues north, NHC places North Carolina coast under watches and warnings by Carteret County Times-News (9.25.17)
- In this N.C. town, a model for rebuilding is taking shape by Josh Cohen // Next City (9.21.17)
- Hurricane Matthew Infographic (updated) by UNC Office of Research Communications (9.21.17)
- Princeville Community Design Workshop by UNC Research (9.15.17)
- Snapshot: Storm surge prediction tool helps emergency managers prepare by Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate (9.14.17)
- Hurricane Irma lets North Carolina off easy by Lilli Mercho // The Daily Tar Heel (9.13.17)
- Saving Princeville by NC State News (9.12.17)
- Irma’s girth and path made for a bizarre Florida storm surge by Seth Borenstein and Claire Galofaro // The Associated Press (9.12.17)
- Irma slammed Florida but it could have been much worse by Emma Fidel // Vice News (9.12.17)
- Hurricane Harvey damages set to break Katrina record by Chloe Anagnos // American Institute for Economic Research (9.12.17)
- The monster surge that wasn’t: Why Irma caused less flooding than expected by Henry Fountain and Brad Plumer // The New York Times (9.11.17)
- Coastal Daybreak: Dr. Rick Luettich by WTKF (9.11.17)
- Seeking refuge in Houston by BBC World Service (9.10.17)
- Hurricane Irma’s storm surge by CBS News (9.10.17)
- Georgia coast braces for potential storm surge by J. Cindy Hill // Georgia Public Broadcasting (9.10.17)
- Officials: Go now if going; curfew overnight by Mary Landers, Savannah Morning News (9.10.17)
- Irma may spare NC, but experts say Chapel Hill must prepare for next storm by Jay Siebold //Carolina Connection (9.9.17)
- In the wake of Harvey and Irma, how money moves through government and into disaster aid relief by AirTalk/KPCC (9.7.17)
- Interview with Dr. Rick Luettich of the UNC Institute of Marine Sciences by CB Cotton // WITN (9.6.17)
- New Orleans, state reviewing Irma evacuation plans, just in case by Mark Schleifstein // The New Orleans Times-Picayune (9.5.17)
- Nearly a year later, hurricanes hit close to home…again by Charlotte Harris //The Daily Tar Heel (9.5.17)
- Tool for tracking an equitable recovery by Katie Kirsch and Jaimie Hicks Masterson // Center for Disaster Philanthropy (9.2.17)
- After shelters, some Harvey victims will move to vacant Houston apartments by Aaron Schrank // Marketplace/National Public Radio (8.31.17)
- A storm forces Houston, the limitless city, to consider its limits by Manny Fernandez and Richard Fausett // The New York Times (8.31.17)
- What is it about the rainfall of hurricanes that makes it difficult to predict? by BBC World Service (8.30.17)
- Storm Harvey breaks record of rainfall and worsens disaster by Rafael Mathus Ruiz // La Nacion (8.30.17)
- Experts say it could take Houston years to fully recover from Harvey by Tom McCarthy //The Guardian (8.29.17)
- NC researchers help Louisiana officials with storm surge forecast by Pierce Legeion // WNCT (8.29.17)
- Princeville wraps up revitalization workshop by Emily Gibbs // WNCT (8.29.17)
- Princeville residents get a glimpse of new plans after Hurricane Matthew by Michael Hyland // WNCN (8.29.17)
- 52-acre would add land less flood-prone to Princeville by Adam Owens // WRAL (8.29.17)
- Teams develop plans to make Princeville less vulnerable to flooding by Adam Owens // WRAL (8.29.17)
- How Hurricane Harvey became so destructive by Lisa Friedman and John Schwartz // The New York Times (8.28.17)
- UNC researcher on the ‘most deadly’ part of hurricanes by WRAL (8.27.17)
- Who from NC will help with Hurricane Harvey recovery? by Camila Molina // The News & Observer (8.27.17)
- Dr. Rick Luettich discusses Hurricane Harvey storm surge by MSNBC (8.26.17)
- Design workshop aims at making plans for North Carolina town by WRAL (8.26.17)
- Princeville partner with design teams to limit flooding in the future by David Hurst // WNCN (8.25.17)
- Princeville kickstarts Hurricane Matthew revitalization by Emily Gibbs // WNCT (8.25.17)
- UT supercomputer helps track Harvey by Alyssa Goard // KXAN (8.24.17)
- Design teams gather to plan Princeville’s future by North Carolina Department of Public Safety (8.22.17)
- Fair Bluff Visioning Meeting by The News Reporter (video) (8.15.17)
- Princeville steps up recovery efforts after Hurricane Matthew by Rebecca Martinez //WUNC (7.20.17)
- Princeville to host events focused on recovery efforts by Corey Davis // Rocky Mount Telegram (7.20.17)
- NC graduate students are national Knauss Marine Policy Fellow finalists by North Carolina Sea Grant (7.12.17)
- URI hurricane expert Ginis builds models of high impact hurricane scenarios by (6.26.17)
- Building resilience capacity during hurricane season by Under Secretary (Acting) for Science and Technology William Bryan // Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate (6.19.17)
- Students learn disaster management in Homeland Security-funded camp by Johnson C. Smith University (6.15.17)
- UNC Research responds to Hurricane Mathew/Inside View by UNC Research (6.15.17)
- Understanding hurricanes – it takes one to know one by Under Secretary (Acting) for Science and Technology William Bryan // Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate (6.6.17)
- Hurricane Matthew Infographic by UNC Research (6.1.2017)
- Better weather forecast coming soon thanks to new federal funding by Pierce Legeion // WNCT (5.30.17)
- Disaster risk management: Insights from US experience by Andrew Gissing //Risk Frontiers (5.29.17)
- Dr. Rick Luettich discusses Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017, H.R. 353 by “Coastal Daybreak,” WTKF-FM (audio) (5.3.17)
- Some entire N.C. towns may become vacant memorials to Matthew by Martha Quillin //The News & Observer (4.21.17)
- CRC’s Gavin Smith to lead post-Matthew disaster recovery efforts by UNC Research (4.19.17)
- Making research matter by Michael Rumsewicz // Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC (4.13.17)
- How should Kinston solve its major flooding? by Adam Wagner // The Daily News (Jacksonville)/Star-News Online (Wilmington)/ (4.9.17)
- URI hurricane expert received award from NOAA by The University of Rhode Island (4.1.17)
- Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Practitioner’s Guide and Resilience Scorecard by Association of State Floodplain Managers (3.20.17)
- Tony Pratt to speak on Storm of ’62 on March 17 by Cape Gazette (3.15.17)
- RENCI and CRC honored with 2016 HPCwire Editors’ Choice Award by RENCI (3.14.17)
- CURRENTS: Identifying Innovative Recovery Strategies by Coastwatch Magazine // Katie Mosher (Winter 2017)
- Smith leads state resiliency initiative by FEMA Intergovernmental Weekly Update (2.21.17)
- Meanwhile, outside the Beltway… by William Hooke // Living on the Real World (2.2.17)
- A refocus on disaster recovery by Margaret Steen // Emergency Management (1.30.17)
- UNC Collaboratory set to begin research by Kirk Ross // Coastal Review Online (1.26.17)
- Twenty-four earn 2017 University Teaching Awards at Carolina by College of Arts & Sciences (1.23.17)