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Dr. Jen Horney
University of Delaware (formerly TAMU)

Project Name:

Implementing the Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool

Other Research Participants/Partners:

Phil Berke, Professor, TAMU

Project Description:

Long-term, coordinated, systematically collected, and shared data on recovery is needed to effectively improve community resilience to future disasters. Tools are needed that can be used to measure disaster recovery at the local, regional, and state level so that best practices can be adopted. Valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative measures of community disaster recovery are needed in order to be able to track recovery in different geographic locations, from different types of disasters, and over time. The proposed research will transition the existing Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool into a widely adopted web-based tool for end users to track the progress and quality of post-disaster recovery by entering baseline and post-disaster data for up to 79 metrics with two pilot communities. Technical assistance and training will be provided for the two pilot communities. Lessons learned will be incorporated into final marketing materials, a training module, and a user guide for additional end users.

Project Abstract

Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool website

Research Interests:

Public health impacts of disasters, linkages between planning and disaster outcomes, community engagement and participation 


Contact Info:

Phone: (979) 436-9391