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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Project Name:

ADCIRC Prediction System™ Enhancements and Coordination

Other Research Participants/Partners:

Dr. Austin Becker (University of Rhode Island), Dr. Brian Blanton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Dr. Jason Fleming (Seahorse Coastal Consulting), Zach Cobel (The Water Institute), Dr. Casey Dietrich (North Carolina State University), Dr. Clint Dawson (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Isaac Ginis (University of Rhode Island), Robert Twilley (Louisiana State University)

Project Description:

A substantial portion of the Coastal Resilience Center’s research portfolio involves the development and application of new capabilities for the ADCIRC Prediction System (APS)TM which is comprised of ADCIRC, the ADCIRC Surge Guidance System (ASGS), and a growing number of output products. This project provides resources for the overarching coordination across the ADCIRC portfolio, from process improvements to transition.

Included in these activities is the development of:

  • upgraded wind models available to run ADCIRC using the cloud-based “MetGet” interface (with Cobel, Fleming, Ginis);
  • implementation of data assimilation into APS (with Blanton, Fleming);
  • interface for CRC fast wave model and APS (with Dietrich, Dawson, Fleming, Blanton);
  • additional capability to track, manage and create products from multiple APS runs across different computer platforms – APS Health Monitor (with Blanton);
  • improved products and capabilities from APS including downscaled water levels, HAZUS ready output, and visualization/analysis tools (with Blanton, Dietrich, Ginis, Becker);
  • continued operation and maintenance of APS to provide access to ADCIRC predicted water levels and flooding during major storm events (with Blanton, Fleming, Cobel); and
  • expansion/sustainment of ADCIRC forecasting via private sector capacity building (with Fleming, Twilley)

This proposed project will contribute to and coordinate the suite of projects providing enhancements to the APS to increase the accuracy, power, and flexibility of this system; develop improved products and services for end users; and provide interpretation of APS results during major storm surge events to maximize the value of these results for end users.

Project Abstract

ADCIRC Prediction System™ fact sheet

Research Interests:

Coastal hazard prediction due to storm surge and coastal flooding. Modeling and observational studies of circulation and transport in coastal waters.


Contact Info:

Phone: (252) 726-6841 ext. 137