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Dr. Meherun Laiju
Tougaloo College

Project Name:

Expanding and Strengthening the Institutionalized Multidisciplinary Certificate: Disaster and Coastal Studies (DCS)

Other Research Participants/Partners:

Other Education Participants/Partners Interdisciplinary collaboration within Tougaloo College (Sociology, Psychology, Physics and Political Science department faculty members)

Project Description:

To enable Homeland Security related career and higher education pathways, the project will focus on enhancing students’ skills and knowledge in conducting research, sponsoring interactive forums in high-risk communities in collaboration with the local Emergency Management Agency, and working with other Tougaloo College departments to include more elective courses in the certificate program.

Project Abstract

Research Interests:

Gender, Policy and Planning, Delinquent Behavior (in relation to Social and Cultural Environment), Curriculum/Policy Research (related to Natural Disasters)


Contact Info:

Phone: (601) 977-7808